Traditional IRA - Tax-Deferred Retirement Savings

A Traditional IRA is an Individual Retirement Account that, unlike a Roth IRA, is funded with pre-taxed dollars.  These accounts are tax-deferred until you withdraw income from them in retirement.  Current limits for IRA contributions are $7000/year for ages 49 and below, and $8000/year for those ages 50 and above.

Roth IRA Traditional IRA
Is there an age limit? No. You can contribute at any age if you (or your spouse if filing jointly) have taxable compensation and your modified AGI is below certain amounts. No. You can contribute at any age if you (or your spouse if filing jointly) have taxable compensation. Note: Prior to January 1, 2020, you were unable to contribute if you were age 70½ or older.
Are contributions tax deductible? Roth IRA contributions are not tax deductible. You can deduct your IRA contributions if you qualify.
How much can I contribute? Curently, the maximum is $7,000, or $8,000 if you’re age 50 or older by the end of the year. Currently, the maximum is $7,000, or $8,000 if you’re age 50 or older by the end of the year.
Is there a deadline for contributions? The IRS allows you until tax day, April 15th, to make prior year contributions. The IRS allows you until tax day, April 15th, to make prior year contributions.
Do I have to take RMDs? No. You must start taking distributions by April 1 following the year in which you turn age 73 (70 1/2 if you reached the age of 70 ½ before January 1, 2020) and by December 31 of following years.
Are my withdrawals taxable? Withdrawals and distributions are not taxable as long as the five-year requirement has been met. Yes, they are taxed at your tax bracket at the time of withdrawal.
Are there income limits to be able to contribute? Yes. It depends on your modified adjusted gross income and how you file your taxes. Click here for more information. No.
When can I withdraw money from my account? Withdrawals made from principal dollars are tax free, but the growth is taxed and penalized at 10% if withdrawn before age 59 1/2. Click here for some exceptions. The IRS imposes a 10% penalty in addition to the tax for withdrawals made before age 59 1/2. Click here for some exceptions.

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